Kazunori Nakajima
School of Human Science and Environment, University of Hyogo
1-1-12 Shinzaike-Honcho, Himeji, Hyogo 670-0092, Japan
Tel/Fax: +81-79-292-9412
E-mail: nakajima [at]
Current Position
Division of Social Environment, School of Human and Environment,
University of Hyogo
Research Field
Environmental Economics, Applied General Equilibrium Analysis, Cost-Benefit Analysis
- Ph.D. (Economics), Tohoku University, Japan, 2008
- M.S. (Engineering), Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, 2004
- M.A. (Economics), Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan, 2001
- B.A. (Economics), Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan, 1999
Professional Experiences
- Professor, School of Human Science and Environment, University of Hyogo,
Apr. 2022 - present.
- Visiting Lecturer (Environmental System I & II), Graduate School of Maritime Sciences, Kobe University, Oct. 2022 - Mar. 2023.
- Visiting Lecturer (Introduction to Economics), Hyogo University of Teacher Education,
Oct. 2020 - Mar. 2021.
- Visiting Lecturer (Intensive Studies in Economics I), Hyogo University of Teacher Education, Oct. 2020 - Mar. 2021.
- Visiting Lecturer (Environmental Policy and Business), Kobe Gakuin University,
Apr. 2018 - present.
- Visiting Scholar, Japan Research Centre, SOAS University of London, UK,
Mar. 2016 - Mar. 2017.
- Associate Professor, School of Human Science and Environment, University of Hyogo,
Apr. 2012 - Mar. 2022.
- Visiting Lecturer (Environmental Economics), Kobe International University,
Apr. 2014 - Mar. 2015.
- Lecturer, School of Human Science and Environment, University of Hyogo,
Apr. 2010 - Mar. 2012.
- Visiting Lecturer (Environmental Economics), Miyagi Gakuin Women's University,
Apr. 2009 - Mar. 2010.
- Assistant Professor, Center for Ecosystem Management Adapting to Global Change, Global COE Program, Graduate School of Life Sciences, Tohoku University,
Dec. 2008 - Mar. 2010.
- COE Fellow, Center for Ecosystem Management Adapting to Global Change, Global COE Program, Graduate School of Life Sciences, Tohoku University,
Oct. 2008 - Nov. 2008.
- Researcher, Graduate Program on Frontier Environmental Studies, Graduate School of Economics and Management, Tohoku University,

Nov. 2007 - Sep. 2008.
Academic Associations
- Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies
- Applied Regional Science Conference
- Japan Society of Civil Engineering
- Society of Environmental Science
- Architectural Institute of Japan
*: Corresponding Author
- Uchihira, T. and?Nakajima, K.: Limitations of Social Prescribing to Help Prevent Isolation and Loneliness: Analysis of Interest in Social Contribution in the Kinki Region Resident Web Survey 2021 in Japan,?Japan Architectural Review, Vol.6, No.1, e12389, 2023.8.
- Uchihira, T., Nakajima, K.,?and Yasueda, H.: Comparison of Social and Spatial Preferences that Help Prevent Isolation and Loneliness,?Japan Architectural Review, Vol.6, No.1, e12370, 2023.6.
- Uchihira, T. and?Nakajima, K.: Can a Station Marche Function to Prevent Loneliness and Isolation?,?Japan Architectural Review, Vol.6, No.1, e12356, 2023.4.
- Sakamoto, R., Nakajima, K*., Mori, R., Sakamoto, N., Tomoda, G., Ohno, E., and Morisugi, M. (2022), Economic Evaluation of Beach Erosion due to Climate Change and Socioeconomic Change, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser.G (Environmental Research). (in print) (in Japanese /Refereed)
K. Nakajima, N. Sakamoto, K. Udo, Y. Takeda, E. Ohno, M. Morisugi and R. Mori: Cost-Benefit Analysis of Adaptation to Beach Loss Due to Climate Change in Japan, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 8(9), 715, 2020.9.
- Morisugi, M., Nakajima, K. and Sakamoto, N. (2019), What Factors Determine Economic Strength in the Restoration Process from Extreme Disasters?, pp.51-73, Edited by Kamila Borsekova and Peter Nijkamp, Resilience and Urban Disasters: Surviving Cities, Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc..
- Nakajima, K., Sakamoto, N., Ohno, E., Morisugi, M. and Mori, R. (2018), Cost Benefit Analysis of Adaptation against Beach Erosion due to Climate Change, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser.G (Environmental Research), Vol.74, No.5, I_425-I_436. (in Japanese /Refereed)
- Tomoda, G., Mori, R., Morisugi, M., Ohno, E., Nakajima, K. and Sakamoto, N. (2018), Statistical Examination of the Relationship between Recent Continuous Decrease of Skiing Visitors and Climate Change, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser.G (Environmental Research), Vol.74, No.5, I_349-I_357. (in Japanese /Refereed)
- K. Nakajima, N. Sakamoto, E. Ohno, M. Morisugi and R. Mori: Benefit Evaluation of Beach Erosion and Adaptation Measure in Japan: A Computable General Equilibrium Modelling Approach, Proceedings of 58th European Congress of Regional Science Association International, pp.1-31, 2018. (Abstract Refereed)
- E. Ohno, M. Morisugi, R. Mori, S. Yamamoto, K. Nakajima and N. Sakamoto: Estimation of Environmental Economic Loss on Sandy Beach Due to Sea Level Rise by Using CVM Consistent with TCM, Proceedings of 58th European Congress of Regional Science Association International, pp.1-17, 2018. (Abstract Refereed)
- M. Morisugi, R. Mori, N. Sakamoto, K. Nakajima and E. Ohno: Nonlinearity of Option Price Function and Application Possibility of VSL, Proceedings of 58th European Congress of Regional Science Association International, pp.1-17, 2018. (Abstract Refereed)
- R. Mori, K. Nakajima, N. Sakamoto, E. Ohno and M. Morisugi: Consideration of VSL Due to Differences in Individual Attributes Based on Happiness Survey, Proceedings of 58th European Congress of Regional Science Association International, 2018. (Abstract Refereed)
- Nakajima, K. and Kudo, T. (2017), Empirical Study on Impact of Climate Change on Rice Productivity for 41 Municipalities in Hyogo, Japan, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser.G (Environmental Research), Vol.73, No.5, I_385-I_396. (in Japanese /Refereed)
- Sao, H., Tomoda, G., Mori, R., Morisugi, M., Ohno, E., Nakajima, K. and Sakamoto, N. (2017), Estimation of Loss of Recreational Value due to Sand Beach Erosion and Effect of Adaptation Policy, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser.G (Environmental Research), Vol.73, No.5, I_191-I_199. (in Japanese /Refereed)
- Nakajima, K., Morisugi, M. and Sakamoto, N. (2017), Measurement of the Long-term Flood Damage Cost in Japan: Dynamic Multi-regional Computable General Equilibrium Analysis, Proceedings of 57th European Congress of Regional Science Association International, pp.1-15. ?(Abstract Refereed)
- Ohno, E., Morisugi, M., Sao, H.,, Mori, R., Yang, S., Nakajima K., Sakamoto N. and Morisugi, H. (2017), Estimation of VSL Based on WTA for Increase of Heat Stress Mortality Risk Due to Global Warming, Proceedings of 57th European Congress of Regional Science Association International, pp.1-21. (Abstract Refereed)
- Mori, R., Nakajima, K., Sakamoto, N., Ohno E. and Morisugi, M. (2017), Measurement of Value of A Statistical Life Based on Happiness Survey, Proceedings of 57th European Congress of Regional Science Association International, pp.1-16. (Abstract Refereed)
- Morisugi, M., Nakajima, K. and Sakamoto, N. (2017), Does the Rare Disaster Necessarily Harm the Society, Proceedings of 57th European Congress of Regional Science Association International, pp.1-14. (Abstract Refereed)
- Nakajima, K., Morisugi, H., Sakamoto, N. and Morisugi, M. (2017), Measurement of Dynamic Damage Cost of the Great East Japan Earthquake with Reconstruction Process, Journal of JSCE, Vol.5, pp.45-57.(Refereed)
- Nakajima, K., Morisugi, H., Sakamoto, N. and Morisugi, M. (2016), Measurement of Dynamic Damage Cost of the Great East Japan Earthquake with Reconstruction Process, Proceedings of 55th European Congress of Regional Science Association International, Paper#00105, pp.1-22. (Abstract Refereed)
- Sakamoto, N., Sakata, K., Takimoto, T., Nakajima, K. and Narukawa, M. (2016), Measuring the Benefits of Mortality Risk Reductions by Decreases in Emergency Transport Time, Proceedings of 55th European Congress of Regional Science Association International, Paper#00569. (Abstract Refereed)
- Nakajima, K. and Sakamoto, N. (2015), General Equilibrium Analysis of Regional Redistributive Effects of Investment for Reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake, Proceedings of the 55th European Congress of Regional Science Association International, Paper#00320, pp.1-36. (Abstract Refereed)
- Tokimasa, M., Ohnishi, N. and Nakajima, K. (2015), Cost-Benefit Analysis of Pricing System for Household Waste Disposal Service for 41 Municipalities in Hyogo, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser.G (Environmental Research), Vol.71, No.5, pp.I_325-I_336. (Refereed/in Japanese)
- Takimoto, T., Sakata, K., Nakajima, K., Narukawa, M. and Sakamoto, N. (2015), Disparity in Emergency Medical Services across Japan, Proceedings of the 55th European Congress of Regional Science Association International, Paper#00526, pp.1-12. (Abstract Refereed)
- Morisugi, H., Sakamoto, N., Morisugi, M., Ohno, E., Nakajima, K. and Mori, R. (2015), A Simple Approach to Measuring Value of a Statistical Life by Revealed Preference Data, Proceedings of The 5th Asian Seminar in Regional Science, pp.1-13. (Abstract Refereed)
- Nakajima, K., Morisugi, H., Morisugi, M. and Sakamoto, N. (2015), Measurement of Long-Term Flood Damage in Japan using Spatial Computable General Equilibrium Model, Proceedings of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 21st Annual Conference, pp.m1-31. (Proceeding Refereed)
- Nakajima, K., Morisugi, H., Morisugi, M. and Sakamoto, N. (2014), Measurement of Flood Damage due to Climate Change by Dynamic Spatial Computable General Equilibrium Model, Proceedings of the 54th of European Congress of the Regional Science Association International, Paper #00673, pp.1-27. (Abstract Refereed)
- Sakamoto, N. and Nakajima, K. (2014), Measurement of Use Value and Non-Use Value of Environmental Quality Consistent with General Equilibrium Approach, Proceedings of the 54th of European Congress of the Regional Science Association International, Paper #01105, pp.1-15. (Abstract Refereed)
- Hayashiyama, Y., Nakajima, K., Sakamoto, N. and Abe, M. (2014), Measurement of Regional Redistributive Effects of Investment for Reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake, RIETI Discussion Paper Series, 14-J-004, pp.1-42. (Refereed/in Japanese)
- Takimoto, T., Sakata, K., Nakajima, K., Narukawa, M., Sakamoto, N. and Abe, M. (2013), Predicting One-month Survival after Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrest with/without Defibrillation: Bivariate Probit Model using the Utstein Style Data, Japanese Journal of Health Economics and Policy, Vol.25, No.1, pp.50-69. (Refereed/in Japanese)
- Sao, H., Morisugi, M., Ohno, E., Sakamoto, N., Nakajima, K. and Morisugi, M. (2013), Examination of Regional Impacts of Adaptation Policies and Sand Erosion Damage due to Climate Change, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Sec.G (Environmental Research), Vol.69, No.5, pp.I_249-I_257. (Refereed/in Japanese)
- Nakajima, K. and Sakamoto, N. (2013), General Equilibrium Approach Consistent with Travel Cost Method for Economic Evaluation of Beach Erosion by Climate Change, Proceedings of the 53rd of European Congress of the Regional Science Association International, Paper #00479, pp.1-22. (Abstract Refereed)
- Sakamoto, N. and Nakjima, K. (2012), Development of General Equilibrium Model Consistent with Travel Cost Method, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser.G (Environmental Research), Vol.68, No.6, pp.II_217-II_228. (Environmental Systems Research Vol.40) (Refereed/in Japanese).
- Sakamoto, N., Sakata, K., Hayashiyama, Y. and Nakjima, K. (2011), The Measurement of the Benefit of Mortality Risk Reduction by Road Improvement Projects: The Estimation of the Golden Hour Principle by the Utstein Style Data, Expressways and Automobiles, Vol.54, No.10, pp.21-28. (Refereed/in Japanese)
- Nakajima, K. (2010), Measurement of Social Net Benefit of Climate Stabilization Policy, Economics Bulletin, Vol.30, No.4, pp.3066-3076. (Refereed)
- Ohno, E., Hayashiyama, Y., Morisugi, H., Nakjima, K. and Sao, H. (2009), Measurement of Economic Value of Beech Forest by CVM, Environmental Systems Research, Vol.37, pp.283-290. (Refereed/in Japanese)
- Nakajima, K., Hayashiyama, Y. and Morisugi, H. (2009), Survey of Macroeconomic Evaluation of Global Warming Impacts, Global Environmental Research, Vol.14, No.2, pp.299-307. (Refereed/in Japanese)
- Ohno, E., Hayashiyama, Y., Morisugi, H. and Nakjima, K. (2009), Economic Evaluation of Biodiversity Preservation Function of Tidal Flat and Beech Forest: Contingent Valuation Method Approach, Global Environmental Research, Vol.14, No.2, pp.285-290. (Refereed/in Japanese)
- Ohno, E., Hayashiyama, Y., Morisugi, H. and Nakjima, K. (2009), Economic Evaluation of Heatstroke Mortality Risk by Global Warming: Measurement of VSL by CVM, Global Environment Engineering Research, Vol.17, pp.183-192. (Refereed/in Japanese)
- Hayashiyama, Y., Kikuchi, M. and Nakajima, K. (2009), An Empirical Analysis of the Environmental Kuznets Curve in Developing Country: Case Study of Thailand, Global Environment Engineering Research, Vol.17, pp.153-162. (Refereed/in Japanese)
- Nakajima, K., Hayashiyama, Y., Morisugi, H. and Ohno, E. (2008), Decision-Making Criteria and Applications for Dangerous Level of Global Warming, Environmental Systems Research, Vol.36, pp.69-77. (Refereed/in Japanese)
- Nakajima, K., Hayashiyama, Y. and Morisugi, H. (2006), Long-Term Effects of the Catastrophe Risk of Global Warming by Dynamic Model, Environmental Systems Research, Vol.34, pp.123-134. (Refereed/in Japanese)