

Class Cancellations

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When a class is cancelled, a class cancellation notice will be posted on the “Lecture Cancellation/Makeup Class Information” page of “UNIVERSAL PASSPORT” and on the Bulletin Board on the 1st floor of Education Building I.
For class cancellations due to transportation disruption or weather warnings, see below.

1. Class cancellations due to transportation disruption

Classes (including regular exams) may be cancelled due to traffic disruption, as shown in the table below.

(1) Class cancellation due to transportation disruption

  Status of transportation disruption Decision regarding class cancellation
(A) Resolved by 7:00 a.m. Classes are conducted from the 1st period of the day (as usual).
(B) Continues as of 7:00 a.m. and resolved by 11:00 a.m. Morning classes are cancelled and classes are conducted from the 3rd period.
(C) Is not resolved as of 11:00 a.m. Afternoon classes are also cancelled.
(D) Occurs immediately after the scheduled starting time of a class In principle, classes are conducted as usual, and the cancellation of classes in the following period onwards is determined according to the above rules (B) and (C).

(2) Transportation disruption conditions for class cancellations
Classes will be cancelled when the Kobe Municipal Subway’s transportation services are suspended or in any of the following cases for the trains between Osaka and Himeji:
1) When transportation services by JR, Hankyu Railway, and Hanshin Electric Railway are all suspended;
2) When transportation services by both JR and the Sanyo Electric Railway are suspended; or
3) When transportation services by both JR and the Kobe Rapid Transit Railway are suspended.

2. Class cancellation due to weather warnings

Classes (including regular exams) may be cancelled in response to weather warnings, as shown in the table below.

(1) Type of weather warnings
Classes will be cancelled in cases where any of the seven types of weather warnings and emergency warnings are issued by the Kobe Local Meteorological Observatory: warning of a storm, warning of a snowstorm, warning of heavy snow, emergency warning of heavy rain, emergency warning of a storm, emergency warning of a snowstorm, or emergency warning of heavy snow.
Please note that a warning of heavy rain is not included.

(2) Class cancellation rules for weather warnings

  Status of weather warning Decision regarding class cancellation
(A) Lifted by 7:00 a.m. Classes are conducted from the 1st period of the day (as usual).
(B) Continues as of 7:00 a.m. and lifted by 11:00 a.m. Morning classes are cancelled and classes are conducted from the 3rd period.
(C) Is not lifted as of 11:00 a.m. Afternoon classes are also cancelled.
(D) Issued immediately after the scheduled starting time of a class In principle, classes are conducted as usual, and the cancellation of classes in the following period onwards is determined according to the above rules (B) and (C). However, in cases where it is deemed to be difficult to continue classes, they may be cancelled immediately at each campus’s discretion.

(3) The target area of the above-mentioned weather warnings is Kobe City.

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School of Economics and Management University of Hyogo

8-2-1, Gakuen Nishimachi, Nishi-ku Kobe, 651-2197, Japan
phone: +81-(0)78-794-5362
e-mail: gbc@ofc.u-hyogo.ac.jp


(C)School of Economics and Management, University of Hyogo. All rights reserved.