Graduate School of Engineering
Associate Professor Eri Miura
Based on metals that are compatible with living organisms, such as titanium and magnesium, we are developing biomaterials that combine the superior properties of metals, ceramics, and resins, and conducting research on corrosion and wear in vivo. The properties of the interface between materials with different crystalline structures and properties are important in order to unify them. In order to understand in detail the properties of interfaces and surfaces of materials in special environments such as living organisms and in the sea, we observe microstructures using electron microscopes, analyze surfaces using various analytical instruments, and conduct mechanical tests.
Graduate School of Disaster Resilience and Governance
Associate Professor Anna Matsukawa
Disasters cause more damage to those who are vulnerable in society, such as the elderly, people with disabilities, women, children, and foreign nationals. We are conducting research with the aim of creating a fair society in which social vulnerability is minimized before a disaster strikes, and in which all victims can receive appropriate support.
School of Human Science and Environment
Associate Professor Yuri Nagira
My research focuses on American literature. In particular, we focus on the complex structures of discrimination in the United States and study how Black American writers have confronted issues of class and gender within the Black community. The study of works by minority writers has implications for the state of contemporary society in a wide range of contexts beyond the United States.
School of Human Science and Environment
Associate Professor Yohei Nishimura
Tolerance does not mean just putting up with something. It is not tolerance if a person with discriminatory feelings refrains from hate speech. It is also different from merely accepting everything or being indifferent. Tolerance means to evaluate and respect the ideas and lifestyles of others from a variety of value standards, even when you find their ideas and lifestyles unacceptable. We think about tolerance as the key to achieving true inclusion.
School of Human Science and Environment
Professor Ayako Takahashi
I conducted research into American activist and poet Gary Snyder.
Snyder, who is currently 92 years old, is a prominent environmentalist. Also, his works are some of the most prominent in the area of environmental literature.
With an approach on environmentalism and respect for living things cultivated through this research, the central topic of my learning and research is the relationship between the environment and humans in the areas of environmental anthropology and literature, with a focus on a fusion between the humanities and sciences and on anthropology.
Introduction to researchers of School of Human Science and Environment
Graduate School of Disaster Resilience and Governance
Professor Mayumi Sakamoto
I am doing research on disaster resilience and recovery measures that utilize communication and social networks. Also, I am tackling joint research and implementation in cooperation with entities such as local governments, regions, and NPOs is order to create regions that are resilient to disasters.
Other goal initiatives can be found in the list here.