Two groups from the University of Hyogo, “Student International Cooperation Group CHISE” and “Student Group S&I Club,” participated in the “Sannomiya Opa Opa2 Joint - SDGs Week” under the theme of “Feel, Enjoy and Learn SDGs with the Five Senses. During the period from 9/21 (Sat.) to 9/29 (Sun.), various SDGs-related events were held at three venues: Sannomiya Opa, Sann Student International Cooperation Group CHISE Sannomiya Opa2, and Sannomiya Center Street. The events provided an opportunity to deepen one’s understanding of the SDGs while having fun with the local community.
? “Student Group S&I Club
-Workshop “Let's make original fish” using marine debris and recycled materials collected from beach cleaning activities at Suma Beach, and sale of art works.
-Sale of used books and clothing (reuse and recycle)
-Exhibitions related to the SDGs (exhibits on activities to protect diversity: vegan, Halal food, etc., and environmental conservation activities: beach cleaning activities at Suma Beach, etc.)
? “Student International Cooperation Group CHISE
-Photo exhibition in Laos (photos of local children, etc.)
-Weekend fundraising activities
We held a photo exhibition and created an opportunity for people to think about inequality and other issues. Also, through fundraising activities, we asked for cooperation for educational support activities in impoverished areas in Laos.