Message from the Dean
As the successor to Prof. Naoki Katoh, the first Dean of the School of Social Information Science, I have been appointed as the Dean of the school. The school was established in April 2019 with the aim of cultivating students who acquire a solid foundation of information science knowledge and skills and create social value through data analysis. Since then, the school has developed the following characteristic data science education. Firstly, Problem Based Learning, or PBL exercises, are conducted for first- and second-year students. These exercises are based on real data and actual problems confronted, both provided by companies. Secondly, we provide some lectures to study occupational role models and business models by experts at the cutting edge of information technology and data analysis. Thirdly, students always carry their notebook PCs and use them as tools for data analysis during class hours and their private study hours. It is also possible to access high-performance computing and data servers so that students can learn advanced skills. We have flexible learning spaces such as learning commons and lounges. We provide practical education of these kinds at the early stage of our degree program in order to have an interest in society and to grow their thinking skills, while lectures on basic and important skills of mathematics, programming, and statistics are provided immediately after admission. The faculty members’ research area covers a wide variety of fields including mathematics, data science, and AI. We conduct theoretical and applied research, promote industry-academia-government collaboration, and provide specialized education and supervision based on our research.
Today, specialists promoting DX and IT professionals with advanced skills, including AI, are critically needed, and the School of Social Information Science cultivates students to have solid fundamental skills and conduct activities in society. Faculty members also belong to the Graduate School of Information Sciences, and so, being aware of the connection to graduate schools, we provide education that serves as a foundation for highly specialized human resources development. We welcome students who hope to study at the University of Hyogo and aim for data scientists to become a pillar of society.